September 10
In my mind I remembered an experience I had 5 years ago. I don't even know why I thought of it, it just came back to me after so much time of thinking. All I know is that I learned what I had to from remembering that experience. It made me calmer and reassured me a slice of peace, but I now know that I must take my chances and if you cant control it don't worry about it.
September 12
I want to create a natural medicine made out of plants for the people. Many diseases shouldn't exists its all part of their flow of life. I just want everybody to have a chance in life, its beautiful. A chance were said organism can live up to there true potential and dreams.
September 15
Life I remember when I was innocent, it was truly a priceless gift that life gave me, I remember when I didn't care but now I have seen the truth and I am forced care. The truth of seeing what we as a species are capable of , all things good and bad. It all hurts to see and feel but that's what our beautiful horrible world is.
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