This year/semester was unlike any other, it was a wonderful collection of time were I lost and found. The 2020 year has been one of the best experiences to grow because of all the things happening but even with covid 19  and every small and big death that has happened, you'd think that school and the current curtain of illusion will have fallen by now. But I do got to give it to both of them, they have pretty sturdy foundations which do hold them up to the purpose their suppose to hold. I simply cant blame life for the bad things that happen because life is what gives me every blessing as well, its all part of connecting back.

I knew this course was gonna be different since the first week, nothing but one post was posted on canvas. When I saw it for the first time I knew that it was gonna be different for that reason. Even our zoom meetings were different, you felt invited to be part of something great. What made this course great is that you had the choice to choose the grade you want, nothing but your life and yourself were holding you back in the course. Even Dr. Preston as a person made the course different, he showed that he actually cared and he also  tries to understand his students when he isn't on there level which makes me think that this is a teacher that knows what's up, keep it up Dr. Preston your doing great things. 

What I found the most meaningful in our time was the new ideas I learned while being in the class. One of the ideas I learned was that the time we spend/waste will never be received back again, just like the time I took to wright this essay and the day of 12/11/2020 its sad to think about but I feel grateful I got a new way to look at things.

 I am most proud of my blog I made, it looks pretty cool and I'm proud of it even though I abandoned it for 2 months. I think I like my blog so much because it went through a lot of changes before it reached its final stage. I like it even more because were just halfway through the year and it still has to go through more change. 

The thing I would like change or make better would be to start over the semester to take advantage of the chances I didn't take in this course and in life itself. Its kind of funny but I'm actually fine with the outcome of what has become because it was the path I was suppose to take. The strings will or will not be pulled accordingly its just what life wants. 

In this course I learned to not worry about many things, but to work hard because theirs 2 choices in life you can work at it with all your might or watch it go on like a play. I also learned how to type faster and I also believe I did something most people in the world don't have and probably never will a blog. This new found knowledge/skill I have will help me greatly in the future to succeed. 

In this course I have read many good things but some of the things that have stuck with me the most have been Fahrenheit 451, The right to your opinion, and the Dr. Preston blog posts. Fahrenheit 451 stuck with me because of one part were he meets Clarisse for the first time and he feels like she was waiting there for him. I used the mood term for this because it connected with me because I've felt like that before. Something just waiting for you and then when it reaches you, were you yourself don't know what to think or feel. You start to think of the science behind it only to find nothing. I also find it interesting that Montag gets offended when Clarisse asks him if he's happy which shouldn't  be normal but what's normal. The right to your opinion stuck with me because we aren't entitled to our opinions and its better to agree correctly (search for truth). I used theme to understand because the reading did have a theme. The theme was to make you understand that you are not entitled to your opinion your not suppose to make people think what you think is right and the same goes for them. The Dr. Preston blog posts was certainly a place to take risks in your righting that's why I liked it. The new ideas given to you and your choice of righting about it if you wanted to, was just good. That's why I used tone to help me, the author (Dr. Preston) always gave new topics and situations to think about, which is kind of like thinking about the little things in life and that's good because not much people today talk about the little things. What makes this even more astonishing for me was that there was a new post every day even if it was posted late it was posted. My favorite post so far is the one for October 29, this is what I said "I balance my self by just putting on the cloths I think look fine, its not rocket science. I feel like I dress decently because I'm just putting on cloths that are fine. My style is chill because I'm chill. I only like to spend money on things I need because its simple, you don't need much to survive but since life is life you want wants, my wants would be just guitar and and things that bring excitement to the experience of life. The choices in life are many but once you take down the curtain of illusion you can see all you need is just peace and love. That's how the balance I put in my life shapes me.". The tone that the author gave us was always one of help and understanding at least that's what I think. 

To conclude my essay I would like to say that all has been great every curse and blessing. I feel like I  am armed and ready with knowledge after this first semester. I feel ready for what's to come in the next semester and in life. This has been a great and horrible year for all, but I just want to say thank you for the experience in this small small world. 😎


  1. I love everything about this. First: "just chilling in the meat bag." Kills me every time I read it. Second: I love the "lost and found" metaphor and all the insights you share to support it. In fact, I'm going to sit down this evening and write, mind if I quote your first line? I'll share a link when I'm done. Thanks for all the great work and ideas this semester!


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