October 29

I balance my self by just putting on the cloths I think look fine its not rocket science. I feel like I dress decently because of me just putting on cloths that is fine. My style is chill because I'm chill. I only like to spend money on things I need because its simple, you don't need much to survive but since life is life you want wants, my wants would be just guitar and and things that bring excitement to the experience of life. The choices in life are many but once you take down the curtain of illusion you can see all you need is just peace and love. That's how the balance I put in my life shapes me.

November 6

I am learning to be better then I was yesterday. I will say that its not that easy because theirs lots of temptation and days when you do work and you don't see change, but that's because I need more patience. I have started to use my time more accordingly and I have started to workout to get into better shape. I am also hoping to create a schedule for myself to make it easier on me as I start to better my self. 

December 10 

When people say the early bird gets the worm I think they mean that those who wake up early take advantage of life and the day. Its important for people because life is short and if you wake up early you show that you are ready to get on the grind just like the early bird who got the worm. If a situation like the one you said happens then that's just life you get what you get and you don't through a fit. The early bird was early but wasn't ready that means he died for a reason. The reason of being unprepared and  being mad at the player not the game.


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