
  Arguing is one of the key principles of living. There are various ways of arguing but we have taken it a bit farther by believing our opinions are our right. I had never of thought how important argument is in our everyday life. But now I understand that if we involve the right to our opinions, we change the processes of achieving what we want we want. We as humans tend to want to always be right so when the right to opinion comes in to place, were obviously going to want to go to the right of our opinion. 

      When you argue you also got to know when you are wrong. Doing this finds the truth faster which saves time to uncover more truth, truth that can improve our future. Also, when you realize your wrong you realize that sometimes its better if you hear other people's sides as well, this in turn makes you a person that cares. It's also important to know that there's people who will always think they have the right to their opinion that’s why it's important to keep arguing for the truth. 

   We are advancing faster in time, little by little we lose more of our rights. I believe we don’t have an opinion in today's era because of how different people thinkIn social media many people believe they have the right to their opinion. This is bad because they spend time arguing their opinion which someone else might think is true, this in turn creates many sides going against each other. Some search for the truth but others just think they have the right to their opinion which creates confusion and havoc for the search for truth. 

When we all work together, we can all find the truth faster.  we could probably have found out our purpose by now, but we artoo busy creating problems for ourselves. We argue but we don’t argue about the right things and that’s what I don’t like. We are focused on arguing about simple things such as height and color. If we accepted lots of things and got passed them, I'm sure the world can move forward and better itself for the future generations. 

In conclusion I believe we would do much better if we focused on what we need to argue about rather then something silly like the right to our opinions. I now believe that arguing is important because it's what helps us realize our mistakes to move forward to find the truth. 


Points to keep in mind 

  • Arguing is search for the truth 

  • Arguing can help us agree on things which means we can live better easier lives. 

  • Giving right to an opinion makes the conversation topic change into an argument between who's opinion is right and who's wrong. 


  1. Introduction – Attention getter and experience  

  1. Paragraph 1- experience and reasoning 

  1. Paragraph 2- experience and reasoning 

  1. Paragraph 3- experience and reasoning 

  1. Conclusion- remind the reader the reason of this essay 




  1. Great points here, Hugo! I especially loved this line: "When you argue you also got to know when you are wrong." I agree with you - I love being with people who teach me and help me improve my thinking. Thanks for sharing this.


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